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The Todd Huff Show

The Todd Huff Show

Ask the average person to use an adjective to describe talk radio, and you might cringe at what you hear. Angry. Hateful. Divisive. Racist. I’ll leave it to you to decide whether or not this is accurate, but it is unfortunately the impression some have about the powerful medium of talk radio. But it doesn’t have to be that way. We can disagree without being disagreeable. And we can stand for our beliefs without trying to personally destroy our opponents.

Do we have fun? Yes. Do we make fun of liberals? Of course – but it’s always in good fun. Yes, I use exaggeration, hyperbole, metaphors, and parodies. But I also mean what I say; and I would never violate the trust of my listeners, who along with our advertisers, are ultimately who make this program possible. So let me encourage you to check out The Todd Huff Show. Conservative, not bitter talk radio. I think you’ll be glad you did.

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